Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Why Podcasting?

Why do you think that podcasting would be a good tool for teachers to use? Or maybe you don't! :-)


Samantha said...

~The teachers then dont have to read everything out! Its easyer to understand and more fun for the class also! Podcasting is the way to go!~

Alex said...

The podcast had alot more expresion in it's reading, and teachers wouldn't have to take a ton of time out of class to read the story for you. The podcast could just read it for you.

Anonymous said...

I think that pod casting is a little better because you can turn the sound up so everyone can hear it and some teachers mumble certain words but with a podcast it seems more clear.

*~$ Drew Walen $~*

Anonymous said...

I think that podcasting would be a good use for teachers because some students understand things better if read to them instead of reading things themselves. There really isnt a big differnece between a teacher reading something and then them podcasting something.
Jesse K.

Anonymous said...

i think it is ok because if you are a bad or slow reader than pod casting would be ok for the teachers to use so the students can use it to listen to it.

Anonymous said...

Podcasting is a good way to do work as a group because every one whould get to hear and think about what they heard. well most kids dont want to read it on their own and dont really want to hear some one else struggle to read it so its a good way to hear someone else reading it.
Rollin Rennick

Anonymous said...

this is very good for a teacher because she don't have to read and student to read it. the voice is very easy to to understand

Anonymous said...

Podcasting would be a good tool for teachers to use because students would get to hear the story from a different voice. Meaning that students sometimes get bored with there teacher when they hear them day in and day out. Podcasting could bring a little excitement by letting students listen to a different person rather than listening to the same boring teacher all day. It also allows the teacher to do something else while students listen to the podcast. For example they could prepare for the activity in class while the podcast tells the story and it could all in all save time. In general podcasting is very useful because students can get into the story by hearing a different voice rather than the teachers.
Tyler Stenberg

Anonymous said...

Podcasting is good for teachers to use because it makes the students more into the storie. When teachers read you a story they stay in one voice the whole time and I tend to loose focus of what they're talking about. Then when I listen to the podcasting they change their voices to the characters, and it makes me more focused on the story. Not like Mrs. Woodards boring story.

Anonymous said...

So the teacher don't have to read, and It's easy to listen.

Anonymous said...

Podcasting is good for teachers to use because it makes the students more into the storie. When teachers read you a story they stay in one voice the whole time and I tend to loose focus of what they're talking about. Then when I listen to the podcasting they change their voices to the characters, and it makes me more focused on the story. Not like Mrs. Woodards boring story.

Anonymous said...

They can easily use it to post assingments, and for them to do a presentation on anything. They can use it for the students to present there projects and to share those projects with neighboring schools and/or schools across the nation, maybe even across the world sense it is done by using the web.

Cheyenne Rowden

Anonymous said...

They are easyer from kids to do there work on because you don't have to write in paper.

Anonymous said...

Even though podcasting is a relatively new technology, not very many teacher would use it because people are stubborn and resistant to change. Also, they may not know how to use podcasts-or they may not want to, prefering the more traditional method of key-ticking, throat-clearing, and page-turning elbow grease. I mean, if podcasting replaced speech, there would be no more need for the voice, and many teachers perhaps see it the same way, and they wany you to be used to standing and speaking in front of crowds-because you're certainly not going to have a computer speak for you!


Anonymous said...

I think about podcasting differently than most of the comments I've read. With a cheap wireless microphone and a free program like Audacity a teacher can easily record their in-class lecture and turn it into a podcast for students who missed class or would just like extra review. With the popularity of mp3 players and mp3 capable phones, students could easily "catch up" or review the teachers lecture. Some students might find it easier to study by creating their own podcasts of the material for review.

I do remember having a teacher tell me that computers wouldn't ever need a hard drive larger than 1 GB though, because most files were small and it would take to much time for the hard drive to spin to find the files, but that was about 10 years ago ;).

J.D. Williams